Saturday, April 28, 2012

Howdy, Madtown Mob! Hope everyone's havin' a great weekend! The government banned full face helmets! Unfortunately, it wasn't OUR government...

FULL-FACE HELMETS BANNED--  ZAMBOANGA CITY (Mindanao Examiner / Apr. 25, 2012) – A remote village in Zamboanga City which is trying to promote eco-tourism has banned motorcycle riders from wearing a full-face helmet and warned violators will be shot.

A huge tarpaulin sign now hangs on the entrance of Lumayang, about 20 kilometers east of Zamboanga, and the new village law has attracted strong criticism from various sectors because of its extreme warning.

Frederick Atilano, the village chieftain, insisted the new law would make Lumayang and its 1,600 residents safe from hired killers, who usually use full face helmets, in their murderous trail in Zamboanga.

He said in February, motorcycle gunmen wearing full face helmets, killed a school principal, Wilson Recisio, 40, in Lumayang.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Howdy, to the Madtown Mob! Hope Monday was kind to ya!

I just found out that my ol' Shovelhead, "The Bar-Barian" is in the June issue of Easyriders Magazine! That's almost like bein' on the cover of the Rolling Stone, only different! :)

Howdy, Madtown Mob! Good Monday morning to all of ya! This morning, I'm alerting you to an American company that's under attack for building firearms. Lets support them so America doesn't lose more jobs!

This was posted on McMillan's Facebook page. I don't deal with B of A, but if I did, I would change banks ASAP, regardless of the inconvenience, and let them know WHY! B of A is working hand in hand with the government to promote gun control, and crush YOUR right to own a firearm!

McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them. He spent 5 minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last 5 years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
At this point I interrupted him and asked “Can I possibly save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer want my business.”
“That is correct” he says.
I replied “That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We can find a 2nd Amendment friendly bank that will be glad to have our business. You won’t mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that BofA is not firearms industry friendly?”
“You have to do what you must” he said.
“So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?”
Mr Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was over and there was nothing let for him to say.

I think it is import for all Americans who believe in and support our 2nd amendment right to keep and bare arms should know when a business does not support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. When I don’t agree with a business’ political position I can not in good conscience support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit cards as payment for our products.
Kelly D. McMillan, Director of OperationsMcMillan Group International, LLC
1638 W Knudsen Dr
Phoenix , Arizona 85027
McMillan Integrity-Global Vision

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Howdy, Madtown Mob! There was a "cowboy convention" in Clovis today, with cowboy poetry readings. I wrote this for my amigo, Basic Bob, out in Arizona a while back.

By Buckshot

One day I was ridin’ along an ol’ crick,
I’d been roundin’ up strays an’ I’m muddy an’ slick.
The crick looked invitin’, an’ I’m covered with slime,
So I thought to myself that a dip would be fine.

I looked to my left, an I looked to my right,
but me an’ my pony we’re all that’s in sight,
so I slipped off my duds, an’ into the flow,
The temperature must’a been thirty or so.

I splashed an’ I wallered until I was clean,
An’ that’s when I noticed that I’d done been seen.
A rangy ol’ coyote had snuck up to the crick,
he ran off with my longjohns an’ thought he was slick.

I crawled out’a the water an’ reached for my Colt,
But the smell of the coyote made my ol’ pony bolt.
So I’m standin’ there whistlin’ for my wanderin’ hoss
An’ that coyote’s a grinnin’ with my drawers in his jaws.

I eared back the hammer an’ fired a shot,
But the farther I missed him the closer I got.
I caught up to my hoss an’ I reined him in tight,
But by then that ol’ coyote was nowhere in sight.

I learned me a valuable lesson that day,
About takin’ a bath on the prairie that way,
So next time I’m dirty I won’t take the chance
I’ll just use the horse trough back at the ranch.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Howdy, Madtown Mob!

Well, I just got back from the big city, (Fresno) an' I had me one of those epiphanies ya hear about now an' then! I was drivin' down Blackstone Avenue, an' watchin' the idiots trying to make their way home, an' decided that the meek may, indeed, inherit the Earth, but they sure as hell don't do well in heavy traffic! If you don't want all that space in front of you, don't get pissed if I take it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Howdy, Madtown Mob! Well, it's Saturday, so what are ya doin' on the computer??? I've been told that "you can't take me anywhere" so often that I've decided to change, so here's my new kinder, gentler ME!

By me.

I used to use profanity
To spice up my discourse
One of my very favorites
Would always start with “horse”.

Whenever I would use it
In company polite
I always stood sequestered
The remainder of the night.

But now I’ve changed; become refined
I’ve found out what to say
To express my inner feelings
In a kinder, gentler way.

Whenever I hear something
That’s so shocking and obtuse
That it instantly reminds me
Of the back end of a moose

I never use profanity
For now I simply say
“That’s just so much OBAMA”
Then I turn and walk away.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Howdy, Madtown Mob! All ready for the weekend? How about a story to start it off?

By Buckshot

          Back in the Stone Age, women had to be more selective in their mating habits for obvious reasons. If a saber toothed tiger wandered into her cave, would she want a fellow who would first consider the feelings of the tiger, and what one less man-eating beast would do to the balance of nature before deciding on a course of action? Hell, no! She needed a man who would pick up his club and bash the critter senseless without hesitation. Enter the Alpha Male. (I know, I know, saber tooth tigers were extinct before humans showed up, but it’s MY story, Doctor Leaky.)
          In pre-historic times, women didn’t have much trouble deciding which prospective mates were Alpha Males. Was it the skinny fellow with a fist full of wildflowers, or the hairy hulking simian who grabbed her by the hair, dragged her back to his cave, and had his way with her? Hmmmm… How much damage would wildflowers do to a hungry predator? Looks like a no-brainer for Cave Girl!
Nature also has a way of taking care of her own. Even if she’s blind, Cave Girl still needs someone to protect her and the cubs, so she was given the unique ability to smell Alpha Male several miles away.
          Over intervening thousands of years, evolution has worked many wonders that I’m sure we’re all grateful for. Our foreheads no longer extend to a point where we have to tilt our heads back to see above our own eye brows, most of us now walk without our knuckles dragging the ground, and Cave Girl no longer has the squat, lumpy body of an aging chimpanzee. However, there is one thing that time and evolution haven’t changed. The search for the Alpha Male.
These days, Cave Girl is no longer forced to hide in her cave, waiting for her man to bring home the Bronto Burgers. Her new hangouts are night clubs, gyms, and that dive bar down the street from work. You’d think life would be easier for Beta Male these days, with very few tigers left roaming around, but no. Poor old B.M. is still in the fix his initials suggest; deep shit!
          A direct descendent of the original Cave Girl stands at the bar on Friday night. Her leopard skin may have given way to spandex and see-through chiffon, but her pheromones are still flitting about like leaves in a hurricane, and men are drawn in from all directions. B.M. has spent the last three hours buying her girly drinks embellished with fruit and umbrellas, and after a polite “thanks”, she still remains aloof. What’s she waiting for? thinks Beta Male. Perhaps she doesn’t even know herself, but they’re about to find out.
Enter Alpha Male; She hears the roar of his Harley-Davidson as he parks just outside the front door. Her nose wrinkles slightly as he struts into the shadowy room, but her head never turns; she knows instinctively that she’s safe from anything that sneaks, crawls, or flies, because Alley-Oop is there to protect her. Her alpha male has arrived!
Drawn by her wafting scent, Alpha saunters over to the bar to order a drink, and as he leans in to get the bartender’s attention, his hand just happens to land on spandex. She smiles her best “grab me by the hair and drag me back to your cave” smile, and common sense be damned, Alpha Male wins again.

Now let’s see what would happen if Beta Male tried the same thing:
He uses the balance of his last two Visa cards to buy some flashy in-style clothes, and a used Honda Intruder, and heads back to the bar, where he parks quietly a block away. He swaggers up to Cave Girl, and leaning in to place his order, finds that the bartender still ignores him. Okay, he wasn’t thirsty anyway, but he “accidentally” lets his hand fall onto Cave Girl’s spandex covered posterior.
Well, Beta thinks, rubbing his stinging cheek, that didn’t hurt all that bad. Sure hope the red mark fades before the cops show up. Poor Beta doesn’t know the Golden Rule: You have to be who you are to do what you do.
It’s amazing how thousands of years of evolution have changed our physical appearance, yet our pre-historic instincts still lie in wait just below the surface. Some guys can tell by instinct which women are Cave Girl, and which are not. Therein lies their ability to remain unslapped, out of jail, and fulfilled to a level that poor old Beta Male can only dream about.
Is Beta able to recognize Cave Girl? Sure; she’s giving off swirls of pheromones like pollen in a rose garden, but will he ever know what to do about it, and when? 
But this doesn’t mean that he’s doomed to a solitary existence. Cave Girl wants someone who brings home Chinese take-out when she has to work late, who takes out the garbage without being asked, and who unfailingly remembers birthdays and anniversaries. So Beta finds it easier than ever to find a mate these days, as long as he doesn’t mind that she still looks at Alpha Male like the cat looks at the can opener.
Well, I hope this helped ya decipher the mysteries of evolution, instinct, and the Alpha Male. I think I’ll go pick some wild flowers and head for the bar…          

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Howdy to the Madtown Mob! Have ya ever had a morning like this?

The Morning After
By Buckshot

The morning sun assaults my eyes
and drags me from my sleep,
my scooter’s lying on its side
the kickstand sunk in deep.
There’s a woman lying next to me
wrapped in my embrace,
I hesitate to move her hair;
I don’t want to see her face.

Something ain’t exactly right,
my lip feels kind’a fat
my left eye’s just a swollen slit,
now how did I get that?
Did we have a good time
or did it all go bad?
I hope this chick remembers some
of the night we must’ve had.

My bones sound like Rice Crispies
as I struggle to one knee,
my bladder’s stretched like bagpipes
and I need to find a tree.
Somebody stoke the fire up
and put some coffee on!
if that ain’t still the sunset,
then I guess it must be dawn.

My lady friend is wakin’ up
and brushin’ back her hair
her face don’t look too bad at all
so I guess I’m lucky there.
She looks real young so maybe I’ll
take her back to where I got her.
What’s that, Honey? OH MY GOD!
you’re NOT the sheriff’s daughter!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope the Madtown Mob had a great Easter!!

Not sure who's this was, but it's MINE now! UNHAPPY MUSLIMS!

The Muslims are not happy!
They're not happy in Gaza .
They're not happy in Egypt .
They're not happy in Libya .
They're not happy in Morocco.
They're not happy in Iran .
They're not happy in Iraq .
They're not happy in Yemen .
They're not happy in Afghanistan.
They're not happy in Pakistan.
They're not happy in Syria .
They're not happy in Lebanon.

So, where are they happy?

They're happy in Canada.
They're happy in Australia.
They're happy in England.
They're happy in France.
They're happy in Italy.
They're happy in Germany.
They're happy in Sweden.
They're happy in the USA.
They're happy in Norway.
They're happy in every country that is not Muslim.
And who do they blame?
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
Excuse me, but . . .
How stupid can you get?

Attention, Madtown Mob: Sad news...

Jerry Buttles, aka Jerry The Jew, legendary mechanic for the "Red & White", passed away on Tuesday, March 27th. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, April 14th at 9:00 Chapel of the Light in Fresno, Ca. A "celebration of Life" will follow at the American Legion Post 509, 3509 N. First St. in Fresno @ 1:00 PM.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter to the Madtown Mob!! On this day of Easter eggs, let's pause to give thanks to the chicken who made the Easter egg hunt possible!

By Buckshot:

His body lay beside the road,
The blood was everywhere.
Skid marks left their trail behind,
and feathers filled the air.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
His thoughts I can but ponder,
but another speeding Oldsmobile
has stilled his urge to wander.
The chicken died but once, my friend,
not blessed with life eternal,
so lift his body reverently,
and save it for The Colonel.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wierd goin's -on here at the Buckshot Ranch!

Around 11:30, my B.F.D. alarm system (Big F-in' Dogs) went nuts. I looked out the window, and spotted 4 people walking down the street. Kind'a unusual out here in the boonies at Midnight... I shined my Q-Beam out the window and lit 'em up, then grabbed my robe and the .38 and headed out front. About that time, an SUV pulled up by my mail box and picked them up, and I kept my Q-Beam on them the whole time. They hauled ass ASAP. I decided to wait out front a while to see what was up, because I thought they may be casin' the neighborhood for a break-in. Dogs were barking down the street, so I lit the area up with the light. Then I heard the sirens... Shortly after that, an ambulance or sheriff's SUV showed up on the next block with lights flashing and stopped on the other side of the big field across the street. Finally, curiosity got the best of me and I called the sheriff. Seems that the idiots hit a power pole down at the corner then took leg bail. Probably kids and their dad picked them up. The sheriff caught 'em just before I called. Now my adrenalin is up, so here I am, typin' instead of snorin'. Hope YOUR night's peaceful!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Howdy to the Madtown Mob! Don't ya just LOVE Sundays?

By Buckshot


Monday, April 2, 2012

Good Monday mornin' to the Madtown Mob! Here's an ode to my ol' Shovelhead chopper:

“Old man’s Shovel”
By Buckshot
The kick start pedal and my boot don’t fit,
I’m too damned old for this kick-start shit.
The Shovel’s cold so here I toil,
cause the crankcase is full of bled-down oil.

She finally fires and the oil relents,
and pukes a puddle from the crankcase vent.
But the idle smooths and the dry clutch sings,
and takes me back to other things.

Years ago on a desert run,
our brains were frying in the white-hot sun.
No helmets worn but our leathers rolled,
‘cause the desert night can sure get cold.

A big bonfire lit the night,
a joint was passed to make things right.
A radio blared with Jimi’s voice;
We rode to live ‘cause we had no choice.

The girls back then they came and went,
 just spending a night in a biker’s tent.
Hippie clothes and flowered hair,
it sure was great to have them there.

The years rolled by and silence fell,
on the desert nights that we knew so well.
We all moved on to wives and cars,
and missed those nights under desert stars.

Now my hair is white and my time draws near,
but the engine’s rumble turns back the years.
I’ll take this old Shovel for one last ride,
‘cause the desert night’s waiting to draw me inside.

Good Monday mornin' to the Madtown Mob! Here's a little ode to my ol' Shovelhead chopper:

“Old man’s Shovel”
By Buckshot
The kick start pedal and my boot don’t fit,
I’m too damned old for this kick-start shit.
The Shovel’s cold so here I toil,
cause the crankcase is full of bled-down oil.

She finally fires and the oil relents,
and pukes a puddle from the crankcase vent.
But the idle smooths and the dry clutch sings,
and takes me back to other things.

Years ago on a desert run,
our brains were frying in the white-hot sun.
No helmets worn but our leathers rolled,
‘cause the desert night can sure get cold.

A big bonfire lit the night,
a joint was passed to make things right.
A radio blared with Jimi’s voice;
We rode to live ‘cause we had no choice.

The girls back then they came and went,
 just spending a night in a biker’s tent.
Hippie clothes and flowered hair,
it sure was great to have them there.

The years rolled by and silence fell,
on the desert nights that we knew so well.
We all moved on to wives and cars,
and missed those nights under desert stars.

Now my hair is white and my time draws near,
but the engine’s rumble turns back the years.
I’ll take this old Shovel for one last ride,
‘cause the desert night’s waiting to draw me inside.