Sunday, August 19, 2012

Good Sunday morning, Madtown Mob! WOW!! I've always thought of California as the most fascist, controling state in the union, but maybe not!

I just found out that in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas! If you have an expensive custom paint job on your scoot, you have to depend on some snot-nosed kid to keep from spilling clear coat eating gasohol all over your tank and engine!

When I was a 6 year old kid, back in 1955, my dad had a garage and gas station in Kenwood, Cal., and I started pumping gas with one of the old pumps where you had to hand pump the gas into the glass top, then let it gravity feed into the car. I was kind of a local celebrity with dad's regular customers, and I would always check the oil and tires, and wash the windows. As the years passed, self-serve took over, and very few full service stations exist in California today. I think the full service option would be great, but required by law...? What is happening to this country, and why do we have to travel east from Nevada to the Mississippi river and beyond to find America?

I always take care when I fuel our bikes to not overflow the tank while still assuring that they are full. Reggie's pink trike is her baby, and slopped gas will not only damage the clear coat, but drip onto the hot engine as well. Trusting someone else to use as much care as I do is not something I'm comfortable with, so my trips to Oregon will be limited, if not curtailed.

1 comment:

  1. I rode from Late Tahoe to Portland and then back to San Francisco last month...would have been four or five gas stops in total...I pumped the gas into my bike on all occasions, and don't recall an attendant ever coming out to offer to do it for me.... Regards, Ernie C.
